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Whipworm In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

While whipworm is fairly common in dogs, most pet parents don't know what it is or what to look for. Our vets in Bedford explain what whipworm is, its symptoms, treatment, and what can be done to prevent it.

What are whipworms?

Whipworms are named for their whiplike appearance, as they have a thin anterior end, and thick posterior end. The adults live primarily in the cecum (where the small and large intestine meet), but can also be in the large intestine if the infection is bad enough.

Similar to roundworms, adult whipworms produce environmentally resistant eggs, and it takes about a month for them to develop into larvae.

Over the next three months after a dog has ingested infected larvae, the larvae will develop into reproductive adults. Unlike roundworms however, whipworms do not migrate outside of the intestinal tract, so there is no somatic migration into tissues, no migration of larvae to pups in utero, and no transmammary transmission.

What causes whipworms?

A dog can get whipworms by ingesting an infested substance such as feces, animal flesh, water, soil, or food. Eggs can survive for up to five years in moist warm environments.

A vet can diagnose whipworms in a dog when they take a fecal sample as part of a routine exam. Unfortunately, eggs are not easy to find on all samples.

If you see blood in your dog's stool, repeat fecal exams are recommended.

What is the life cycle of whipworms in dogs?

There are three stages to the lifecycle of a whipworm in dogs: egg, larvae, and adult. The eggs are laid in the dog's intestine where they are incorporated into the dog's stool. This means that an infected dog spreads whipworm eggs each time they defecate. The eggs are able to remain alive in the environment for up to five years.

Three months after the eggs are ingested, they hatch and mature in the pet's intestine where they lay more eggs, and begin the cycle once again. If a whipworm infected dog defecates in a public place like a park, and the poop is not picked up, this could also cause an outbreak among local wildlife.


The easiest way for the vet to determine if your dog has worms is with a stool sample, but there are also signs you can look out for at home including:

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Poor coat appearance
  • Pot-bellied appearance
  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration


Several medications are effective against whipworms, all of which require require two treatments, spaced at a three to the four-week interval, to clear the infection.

The most frustrating thing about whipworm infections is the high rate of re-infection because whipworm eggs are extremely hardy in the environment. So when a dog is diagnosed with an infection, our Bedford vets suggest you treat it again every three to four months.

Whipworms are far less common today than in previous years because of the use of heartworm products for dogs, which also helps prevent worms.

Is there a vaccine that can prevent my dog from whipworms?

There are currently no commercially available that specifically target whipworms. However, heartworm preventatives also protect against whipworms, so making sure your dog is up-to-date on their heartworm preventative is the best defence.

It is also generally recommended to make sure your dog or puppy is up to date on all their shots to protect against most parasites and illness they can catch. A little needle now can save you and them a lot of heartbreak in the future.

Prevention at Home

If whipworms are common in your area, or if your dog was recently diagnosed with whipworms, make sure your heartworm preventative has these active ingredients:

  • Milbemycin
  • Milbemycin/lufenuron
  • Milbemycin/spinosad
  • Milbemycin/praziquantel
  • Moxidectin/imidacloprid

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If you have think your dog may have whipworms, contact our vets in Bedford to book an appointment.

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