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How to Stop a Dog from Chewing

Chewing is a normal thing for dogs to do. Although, you probably don't want to give your dog the gift of a chewy designer shoe. If you are starting to lose patience with your furry friend's disastrous chewing, read the tips our Bedford vets have shared on how to stop your dog's chewing problem.

Why Does My Dog Chew Everything?

Your dog explores their environment by chewing on the many items they encounter. It is also how puppies manage their teething pain and, how adult dogs give their jaws strength and keep their teeth shiny clean.

While chewing is a healthy habit for dogs, they might not always select the best items to chomp down on. Why is that?

Anxiety & Stress

Our canine companions are social animals and many experience separation anxiety when their humans aren't home. Dogs that go through this kind of stress or anxiety can turn to chewing as a way to calm down.


If your dog likes to spend their free time alone with no cognitive stimulation they may get bored. Many dogs will turn to chewing on anything they find interesting to keep themselves busy.

Puppy Teething

Like human babies, puppies go through a painful teething phase. While teething, your puppy is likely to chew on anything they find to relieve their discomfort.


It's common for dogs on a calorie-restricted diet to start chewing on objects to find a nutrition source. This style of biting is often geared to items that smell or relates to food like plastic bowls.

How To Stop My Dog From Chewing Things?

When getting your dog to stop chewing, start by finding the trigger and phasing out the issues stated above. The second step is to redirect your dog's chewing to better items, like chew toys.


Getting enough exercise every day is the key to a happy puppy. Ensuring your dog gets the right amount of physical activity daily is one of the best methods to redirect chewing. Dog breeds with higher levels of energy like German Shepherds, Border Collies and Springer Spaniels need a minimum of two hours of exercise a day. Where, more calm dogs like, Pugs, Shih Tzus and Pomeranians get enough movement with 40 minutes of exercise.


If your dog spends a lot of time alone start training them to relate alone time with positive actions. This will lower the boredom or separation anxiety in your furry friend. Do this by providing your pup with something to play with such as special toys, fun activities and a puzzle toy filled with treats to keep them occupied.

Giving your dog lots of interesting toys/ activities will not only help them think of alone time as fun but, will also create a distraction from the things you don't want them to chewing on.

Dog Proofing

By taking away all other temptations you help ensure that your dog only chews on appropriate objects. Place anything of value out of reach, put all laundry in a closed hamper, and make sure that your children's books and toys are out of your pups grasp.

Discourage Unwanted Chewing

When you find your dog gnawing at things they shouldn't be, take it away from them, tell them"no," and give them a chew toy instead. Give your dog praise when it listens to your commands and chews on the appropriate toy. If any of our suggestions don't work in stopping your dogs disastrous chewing, try spraying the objects you want kept out of your pup's mouth with a deterrent spray.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If your dog swallowed something that is not their food it must be thought of as a medical emergency, contact your vet immediately - contact us. The Bedford vets are here to help all animals in need.

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